Reusable Widgets

To use a reusable widget:

  1. Import the plugin as an ES module.

  2. Call it with your arguments.

  3. Use the widget activation function with widgets.register

Example of using TitleWidget:

widgets.register('AnyNameForTheWidget', TitleWidget('Any Title'))


Displays the text passed in a widget, centered.

TitleWidget(title: string, size: number = 1) => WidgetActivateFunction


Displays the current value of a single VSS API in a tile.

SignalTile(pill: TileType, vehicle: VehicleObject) => WidgetActivateFunction


Alternate design of SignalTile.

SignalBlackTile(pill: TileType, vehicle: VehicleObject) => WidgetActivateFunction


Shows the current value of multiple VSS APIs as stacked pills. Up to 3 APIs work best.

SignalPills(pills: TileType[], vehicle: VehicleObject) => WidgetActivateFunction


Shows the current value of multiple VSS APIs in a table. This table can fit any number of APIs.

    apis: string[],
    vehicle: VehicleObject,
    refresh = 5 * 1000
}) => WidgetActivateFunction


Shows the associated media for a VSS APIs value in a widget. For example:

SignalWithMedia("Vehicle.Cabin.Door.Row1.Left.IsOpen", {
    [true]: {
        type: "video",
        url: ""
    [false]: {
        type: "image",
        url: ""
}, vehicle)

This widget will switch to the first video when the value of Vehicle.Cabin.Door.Row1.Left.IsOpen is true, and the second image when it's false.

Values can be of any type, and you can add any number of values.

type SignalValueImages = {
    [value: string]: {
        type: "image" | "video",
        url: string

    vssSignal: string,
    valueMedia: SignalValueImages,
    vehicle: VehicleObject
) => WidgetActivateFunction


Shows a line chart with the current values of one or more VSS signals (each with their own line), along with their trend as the value changes.

You can use the optional color key to set a different color for each line.

type SignalsType = {
    signal: string
    color?: string

LineChart(signals: SignalsType, vehicle: VehicleObject, refreshTime = 800) => WidgetActivateFunction

loadScript (Function)

Loads a JS script in a window, returns a promise that resolves once the script has finished loading.

To use this plugin, box.window needs to be passed as the first parameter.


(box) => {
    loadScript(box.window, "")
loadScript(boxWindow: Window, url: string) => Promise<void>


Adds a map showing directions from point A to B, along with the location of the current vehicle, fetched from the VSS API's Vehicle.CurrentLocation.Latitude and Vehicle.CurrentLocation.Longitude

type Coordinate = {
    lat: number
    lng: number

    directions: [Coordinate, Coordinate],
    vehicle: VehicleObject,
    options?: {
        iterate: boolean = false,
        autoNext: number = 800,


This widget is an exception. It can be added as a plugin in the playground, and will automatically be available as the Widget 'Terminal'.

Acts as an almost-complete drop-in replacement of the Control Center Terminal. Exposes the two functions print and reset for the prototype to use.

Terminal(props: PluginProps) => {
    print(text: string) => void
    reset() => void


This is the vehicle parameter passed to the plugin definition. Needs to passed forward for some widgets.


type TileType = {
    signal: string
    icon?: string
    label?: string
    suffix?: string

signal: Name of the VSS signal to be shown, for example: "Vehicle.Speed"

icon: Optional Font Awesome icon name, for example: satellite

label: Label to display in the title, defaults to signal.

suffix: Suffix to add after the value, useful for adding units like km/h or h